4C-TV™ System

  Contract Form

u Program License Contract record form.

Contract Page

Rights Page

u The Rights page lists all Licensed Rights in a Contract, separated in 3 groups that can be selected from their corresponding tabs: Active Rights (licensed rights that are active and in effect and that correspond to titles available for scheduling), Future Rights (licensed rights that are not yet in effect and titles are not available for scheduling) and Historical Rights (expired licensed rights holding historical contract details, past program exhibitions and traffic information).

u If the removed Program has been scheduled in any 4C-TV controlled channel a Program Rights Record, will be created, with all the program's Contract & rights hsitorical information.

u The Rights panel provides access to all Program Rights records, including those of programs already removed from the Contract.

u All the present Contract informatio is cleared out in the Program's record, allowing it to be assigned to a new Contract. All the Program's exhibitions are also removed from the database (although a list of program plays is copied to the Program Rights record), allowing to program to be schedule according to the new Contract, having a new Avail and First Play dates.

Material/Traffic Page

u The Traffic pane presents a list with Traffic details for all territories in the Contract (if the contract is licensed to a single Territory only one line is available). Along with the expected Promotional Material list.

u The yellow box is used for information related to the shipment of Film Facilities such as the supplier, format, delivery days and disposition instructions. There are also fields for informing the responsability for various Film Facilities related charges.

u Disposition informs the action to be taken with the Film Facilities. Dispos.Days and Base Date fields indicate how many days and from what date base the disposition action must be taken. The date base can be the Program's Avail Start, Avail End, First Play Date, Receive Material....

u The orange box is used to provide a list of accessory materials that should accompany a program's Filme facilities, such as posters, slides, stills, scripts,.... The Disposition indicates the disposition action for that material. The accessory material disposition date will be calculated with the same parameters set for Film Facilities.

Miscellaneous Page

u Some miscellaneous Contract parameters are now present in the Misc. pane along with Contract Payment options and the Contract Log.

  • u Adjust Avail is used to specify if the contract allows automatic adjustment of a program's Avail if the Film Facilities is not received on time (according to the delivery days).

    u Send Post... indicates if any post produced material (subtitles, dubs,...) should be sent to the Distributor as part of the Licensing Agreement

  • u The associated notes field is for Post Production materials delivery instructions. The information in this field is displayed in the Traffic Instructions display, available thru the Instructions button in various screens.

    4C-TV Home | 4C-TV Functions | Release Notes

    updated release 2.3.008
    Thu, Nov 15, 2001