4C-TV™ System

  Other Materials Record (Query Help)

u Other Materials record display and entry form.

u The Channel field indicates the channel from which the material originated, while the Source field indicates the material supplier.

u The field Event Type indicates the type of material, e.g.: feature film, clip, documentary, etc.  This field is associated to the FI_Event Type pop-up menu.  A new field has been added to indicate the There areas, e.g.: drama, comedy, etc.

u The AWB indicates the date the shipment has been received.  The AWB number will be kept from one record to another, unless a new number is indicated.

u The bottom portion includes two panes for Program and Quality information.

u In the Quality pane, the button TQC Report brings up the TQC Report screen, where technical quality evaluation information may be set. The corresponding evaluation report will automatically fill the corresponding fields in this pane.

u The Accepted field indicates if the event has been verified and accepted.

u The Separate Events button processes the data from the Description field, creating records for each event.  If this button is clicked, the system will list each event found in the Description field, and create separate records for each one.

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updated release 2.3.008
Thu, Nov 15, 2001