4C-TV™ Release Notes
Release 2.3.001/a-i
Minor changes and updates included in this release.
Add a splitter to the Daily Log screen, improving window size adjustments.
Add a splitter to the Pre-Schedule screen, improving window size adjustments.
Add a splitter to the Multi Day Calendar screen, improving window size adjustments.
Calendar views have a new appearance, with scroll bars for each weekday.
It is now possible to include promotional material received for Programs without a contract.
The Add Rights screen now includes fields for the Base License, CPS and Main Service. That information can be filled in when adding new Rights records to a Contract, easing the data entry process.
It is now possible to remove Avail information for an Active or Future Right. The Avail Start field in the Program Rights screen can now be reset to "00/00/00".
A new button is now present in the Contract maintenance screen to enable changes to the licensed Territory. The button is only enabled when the Contract record is in modify mode. The system verifies all existing Program Rights in the Contract and only allows changes to a valid Territory. It is always possible to change a ContractÍs Licensed Territory to "All", but the reverse must be compatible with all Rights already in the Contract.
Updated the Program Rights Query screen to user the Rights Delivery Date when querying expected delivery. Previously the Expect Receive option was querying by the ProgramÍs delivery date.
Review the Program Delivery date calculation to take into account only currently Active Rights. The Program Delivery date now reflects the earliest of all delivery dates, of any existing Active Right. If a Program is left with no Active Right (ex: all Rights have been Terminated), its Delivery Date will be blanked out.
Improved reporting for system errors sent via automatic email notification.
Improvements to the Pre-Schedule calculation algorithm to try to avoid eventual problems encountered while pre-scheduling HBO in Miami.