u List of Disposition Action records with a log of disposed Program Copy & Media.
The following information about a Program Copy disposition is displayed on this list:
Title House Number
Program Title
Program Copy Material
Program Copy Disposition
Date the Program Copy disposition was executed
Media ID
Media Disposition
Date the Media disposition was executed
Certificate Type to be issued
Date the Certificate was issued
The Issue Certificates button will request Certificates for the records selected.
If a group of records is highlighted Certificates will be issued for those records only, otherwise they will be issued for all records in the list.
All Certificates must be of the same Type, the system will not issued mixed Certificates.
Certificates can be re-issued at any time.
Disposition Action records cannot be deleted and the only modifiable field is the Material Serial. All the other information is created/updated automatically by the system when a Program Copy or a tape disposition is executed (is recycled).
Disposition Action Record
The elements on this screen provide the following functionality:
The top portion shows information about the disposed Program Copy. The Instructions button will display the Contracts Traffic instructions.
The second box displays the details of the Program Copy disposition action.
Next comes details about the corresponding Media record, followed by its disposition information.
The last part shows the Certificate type and the date & user that requested it to be issued.
The Material Serial can be modified on this screen and will be used in Certificate.
Disposition Actions Query
Disposition Action records can be queried by the following fields:
Program Copy House Number
Title House Number
Media ID
Title Distributor (associated Contract Licensor)
Associated Contract Number
Program Title
Local (Spanish or Portuguese) Title
Series name and Episode
Copy version and material (copy usage)
Copy disposition
Program Copy supplier and Shipment ID (AWB)
Certificate Type
Options available on the query screen are:
If Certificates are still pending, that is have not been issued yet
If the Program Copy was disposed of within the period indicated
If the Media was disposed of within the period indicated
If the Certificate was issued within the period indicated