4C-TV™ System

  Break Templates

Creation and Identification of Templates

The breaks' format (templates), in which the events to be included automatically in the daily programming are defined, is specified on the screen "Break Template" (see diagram). The above screen presents three distinct panels:

The Program Break option indicates that the template will be used only for configuring breaks during a particular program (intra-program breaks).

The occurrence of inter-program breaks is determined by the Channel configuration and by the existence of a Commercial Format for the program

Use Criteria

The criteria of a particular template is used to select the exact template to format a break corresponding to a particular movie, program or series.
As seen above, the initial selection criteria is the channel and the validity period of a particular template. The other criteria take into account information about the event on the monthly schedule.

Any criteria not filled in or blank indicates it applies to any event on the schedule (except weekdays).

In selecting the template to be used for formating a certain Break, the system uses a priority order, based on the criteria used, to figure out cases in which more than one template's criteria are met. The priorities are as follows: Days of the Week, Title, Series, Franchise, Event Type, Genre, Production, Run, Time and Break Len. Only one template is used to format each break.

Break Model

The Break Model is presented as an orderly sequence of events which should make up the break in the daily cshedule

Each line on the template represents an event to be created in the Daily Schedule, where two special lines will always be present in this list and cannot be modified or removed:

Other events can be inserted in any position on the list, as long as the BREAK line is always positioned before the EVENT line.

The buttons Insert and Delete respectively allow insertion or removal of lines on the Break model.

the events on the break model can be edited directly on the list, using popups or through a double-click on the desired cell.

Each event is defined by the following parameters:

H is replaced by the program’s house number, obtained from the field [Filmes]HouseNo
N is replaced by the numeric portion of a program’s house number, with at least 6 digits; the program’s house number is obtained from the field [Filmes]HouseNo
V is replaced by the first caracter of a program’s version type, like “S” for “Sub”, and is obtained from the field [Trafego]Versao
Sxy if a program’s version has SAP, then the character “x” is used, otherwise the character “y” is used; the SAP information is obtained from the field [Tráfego]SAP; * the character “y” may be omitted and so if there is no SAP the position will not be used
Axy if a program’s version Audio is Stereo, then the character “x” is used, otherwise the character “y” is used; the audio information is obtained from the field [Tráfego]Audio; * the character “y” may be omitted and so if the audion is not stereo the position will not be used
R is replaced by the program’s rating information, obtained from the field [Filmes]Censura
O is replaced by the channel’s prefix, found in field [Canais]OPECPrefix
P is replaced by the MovieOpen suffix:
  • OP: HBO Original Production
  • SP: Special Presentation
  • ES: Saturday first run
  • E: First run
  • R : Normal
D is replaced by the currently selected day number, from variable D_CurDay
W is replaced by the currently selected weekday abreviation (3 characters), from variable D_CurDay
M is replaced by the currently selected month number, from variable D_CurDay
Y is replaced by the currently selected year number, from variable D_CurDay (2 digits year)
YY is replaced by the currently selected year number, from variable D_CurDay (4 digits year)
#n is replaced by the next sequence number for table number “n”, with at least 6 digits
U is replaced by the first caracter of a program’s copy usage, like “M” for “Master”, and is obtained from the field [Trafego]CopyUsage
T is replaced by the copy code suffix as indicated by a corresponding Registry entry for class TRCopyCode; the Registry entry selected is based on the program's version & copy usage
C is replaced by the Channel/Department prefix as indicated in a Registry entry for class TRChannelPrefix.

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