4C-TV™ System

  Automation Interface Templates

The screen above presents three distinct panels:

Template Criteria

All of the above criteria are used in the comparison with each Schedule event, and all the matching templates are used in the creation of corresponding Play List records.

Records' Formatting

This panel shows the format and content of the records to be created for each event on the daily schedule that meets the criteria of the panels 1 and 2.

On the panel's upper part are the parameters that indicate the general characteristics of the record to be created.

The Panel's lower part indicates record's fields to be created, and the contents to be placed in each field.

The buttons ++ and -- allow to respectively insert or remove lines on the record's field list.

The lines can be edited directly on the field list, using popups or through a double-click on the desired cell.

Each record field is defined by the following parameters:

ID shortID corresponding to the event
Title event' title
Duration event's duration
Date event's date (Daily Schedule date)
event's start time
GmtTime event's start time converted to GMT time
AutomTime event's time converted to the special "AUTOMATION" time zone
House No
event's House Number
event's type
Media ID
Tape's ID corresponding to the event
Media Fmt
Tape's format corresponding to the event
TC In of the event in the tape
TC Out
TC Out of the event in the tape
event's segment, in case of multiple segment events
Series' name corresponding to the event
episode's number corresponding to the event

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